Formation aux soins des animaux
Bienvenue au Programme de certification de la formation en soins des animaux de compagnie de Pets Canada. Élaboré par des vétérinaires et des experts de l’industrie, ce programme vise à former les personnes qui prennent soin des animaux de compagnie et qui travaillent avec eux sur une base régulière.

Des milliers de personnes, du personnel de vente au détail aux techniciens vétérinaires en passant par les toiletteurs et les gardiens d’animaux, ont suivi les programmes et ajouté ces qualifications à leur curriculum vitae. Pour en savoir plus, consultez l’onglet Comment ça marche ci-dessous.
Les participants qui terminent avec succès une spécialité obtiennent un certificat de spécialiste en soins des animaux de compagnie par l’entremise d’Animaux de compagnie Canada.

- Programme d'éducation
- Comment ça marche
- Compte pour l'éducation

Program Details
1. Benefits to taking this program
Our Pet Care Training programs are designed to help people who work with pets on a daily basis increase and refine their knowledge so that they can offer the best care possible. Earning a Pet Care Training Certificate is an excellent way to show your clients your dedication to the well-being of their pets.
2. Topics covered in each program specialty
The Pet Care Training Program includes the following specialties that you can receive certification for;
Each specialty covers different study topics:
If you wish to receive additional information regarding the content, please contact programs@pijaccanada.com and we will be happy to help.
3. Cost of the Pet Care Training programs
Each program specialty is $150 for Pets Canada members and $200 for non-members. Category A members receive one (1) free program per membership term. Free programs can be redeemed using Member PIN assigned to you when purchasing a program on www.pijaccanadaeducation.com. If you do not know your Member PIN, please contact programs@pijaccanada.com. Participants who are members of Pets Canada can also purchase individual licenses for their staff at a cost of $30 per license.
4. How long does it take to complete the program and receive certification?
The program can be completed depending on the dedication you put toward studying the material. On average, participants can complete the study material as well as the included online exam in 4 + hours.
5. How does the exam work?
The open-book exam is included within each program specialty. It is comprised of multiple-choice questions for each module. Once you click on the exam section of the program, you have 30 days to complete and submit it. Answers are saved and you can log out and log in without losing your progress. Exam results are sent directly to our office.
6. When do I receive my Pet Care Training certificate?
Once the exam results (70% or higher) are received, we will issue an electronic certificate and letter to the participant. Please note that certificates are usually sent within 10 business days of receiving the exam; however, some delays may be experienced.
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